The ID
scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4"
) or integer (such as 4
) input value will be accepted as an ID.
link GraphQL Schema definition
1 scalar ID
link Required by
- AccessQueryInput
- AccessQueryResult
- CertificationRequestA request for a standardized assessment from a company. A certification request is uniquely identified by its ID, or by the (companyId, testId, candidateEmail) triplet.
- CertificationRequestInput
- CertificationRequestResult
- CodeReviewTask
- CodingSolutionSolution submitted to a coding question.
- CommonTaskA common question is a question that may be asked during an assessment.
- CompanyA company is an organization of user accounts that have access to the assessment platform.
- CompanyPlanInputInformation about a plan that will be assigned to a company.
- CompanyTestA non-standardized test owned by a particular company.
- CompanyTestSessionA session of a company test.
- CompanyTestSessionResultThe result of a completed company test session.
- ContactA company contact
- CreateCertificationRequestInput
- CreateCompanyTestInput
- CreateInterviewTemplateInput
- CreateTaskOptionsInput
- CreditCard
- CustomFeaturesInputFeatures that can be set on a company. See CompanyFeatures type for full descriptions.
- DatabaseTaskA database question.
- EditCompanyTestInput
- EditInterviewTemplateInput
- EditTaskSetsInput
- FrameworkFramework associated with service plan
- FreeFormSolutionSolution submitted to a free-text question.
- InterviewTemplateAn interview template defines a set of questions relevant for a specialized interview
- LiveInterviewA live interview defines a collaboration programming session.
- LiveInterviewInput
- Mutation
- Query
- QuizSolutionSolution submitted to a quiz question.
- ReactivatedSession
- RoleRoles contain permissions that allow certain actions.
- ServicePlanA service plan represents a level of functionality and service associated with a CodeSignal product.
- SingleEnvironmentTaskA question that is in the single-environment format
- StandardizedTestA standardized test that is not restricted to a particular company.
- StandardizedTestSessionA session of a standardized test.
- StandardizedTestSessionResultThe result of a completed standardized test session.
- TaskLevelA level of a progressive question.
- TaskSlotInputA question slot represents a pool of similar questions. During a test session, exactly one question will be randomly chosen from each question slot.
- TaskSolutionSolution submitted to a question.
- TeamA team defines an entity that clients can be associated with
- TestA test defines a set of questions that a user may be invited to solve as part of an assessment.
- TestSessionA session of a test.
- TestSessionInput
- TestSessionResult
- TestSessionTaskResultResult of a test session's question.
- User